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Constructed and embellished with the 1980’s look across its tremendous 23,000 sq.ft size, the Chad James Group was faced with the big challenge of hauling this massive Nashville home from the past into the present day. Using the owner’s extensive collection of contemporary art and fine antiques, they were able to produce a timeless interior integrated with artistic masterpieces in the house that’s a work of art in itself.
Enter the hallway, and you’ll be surrounded with the elegance of pristine drapes, only to be welcomed with the grandeur of the staircase. A two-toned theme is prominent throughout the mansion, with dark wooden flooring and light walls complementing each other. Curtains cover most walls and windows, with the ends softly and gracefully touching the floors. Gold is sprinkled through various accents, such as ornate lamps, chandeliers, exquisitely crafted chairs, and mirrors arriving in all shapes and sizes.
Going around the different rooms, you’ll be walking under high ceilings and lovely arches one after the next in a clutter-free environment. Tall windows allow natural light to pass through, making the whole place brighter and quite pleasing to the eye. The house grants generous space to comfortably move about, with many living areas to lounge and relax, and entertain guests. The library features couches sitting right alongside a modern fireplace between towering shelves of books. Even the bedroom is spacious with a number of seating near the central bedframe.
Long tables are meant for reading and dining, with the rounded one laden with books and the other rectangular table found in the kitchen. Large cabinetry and drawers provide ample storage, while countertops with lustrous surfaces are vast.
Photography by Alyssa Rosenheck
Though there’s a lack of pattern and prints, the furniture and decor seen throughout the mansion are far from looking plain with the lines and textures producing a distinctive charm.