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Transforming the interior design of an existing house is not always an easy task to accomplish. Other than the relative rigidity of the situation, some people lack ideas of how they can transform the space. However, the case is different for this house, where the new owners attempted to integrate updates with regard to their taste. The final look of the house shows just how stylish Samantha McClelland by The Brunette One is. Take a look and be inspired.
• Living Room
This room is simple enough, with a glass table with a metallic frame. There is also a brown leather sofa and a thick wool carpet. The theme is rustic, and two candles are included to enhance the overall look.
• The Home Office
This is one area that shows the professionalism of the owners. They have a home office that is both professional and cozy. There is a black, metallic stand that holds various items, including picture frames, a traditional typewriter, two baskets, two tiny plants, and a set of black vases on the upper shelf. A pink sofa is included, along with a wooden coffee table. The wall features an artistic wallpaper that brightens the area.
• Guest Bedroom
Even though the guest bedroom seems small, it has been incorporated with bright colors that make it welcoming enough. The wall is greenish, while the bed has white sheets, with a heavy wool duvet and a set of bright pillows. The headboard is covered with a vibrant, flowery cover, which brightens the entire room.
• Master bathroom
The bathroom comes with a rustic style that is quite welcoming. The theme is bright, thanks to the white tissue rolls and towels, along with light-blue painted walls. The towels and other items are placed on the open light-wood shelves, and a green plant is included on the top shelf to enhance the welcoming feeling.
This house features different styles that are all bright and welcoming enough. Though it doesn’t seem like such a big house, every space is designed with a theme that makes it look spacious.