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When it comes to style and elegance, nothing brings it out as well as this Hampton design home by P&T Interiors. With expansive windows that illuminate the entire home during the day and white and gray wall painting that add a soft touch to the whole house, this is truly a place to be. Every piece of furniture and decoration in the house has been well thought out and placed in such a way as to bring an overall homely experience infused with nature.
The lights in this place are one very innovative piece of interior design. The lights hanging from the ceiling are like birds flying high above the room which create a natural feel to the whole room as the lights illuminate the house. In every aspect of this home, you will find something ingenious. For instance, the bedside lights are held by squirrels climbing the wall bringing out a soft and elegant feel to the room.
The entire place is light and airy, casual and stylish at the same time. With the pool outside, the elegance of this home is truly evident. There are potted plants outside adding bits of green which brighten up the place and make it feel welcoming. Even the floor has been designed for a contemporary style adding to the overall look and feel of the whole house. Every room in this home feels and looks spacious with every little bit of decoration laid down carefully and with much care so as to balance the casual and stylish appearance of the home. The overall look of the home is cheery, spacious and gives a coastal look that truly fits the place.
From both outside and inside, this home is a place to both behold and stay in. It has a rare touch of elegance and beauty truly worth experiencing.