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A breathtaking home in Paarl offers its progressive owners a sense of ‘barefoot luxury’…
The initial architectural footprint of the house was designed by Gauteng-based architect Gardiol Bergenthuin and when the time came to focus on the living space inside, interiors architects Mark Rielly and Jon Case of Antoni Associates (the interior design and decor division of Cape Town architectural firm SAOTA) was brought in, along with the firm’s interior designer, Ashleigh Gilmour. As ideas for the look of the house developed, so did the attention paid to its feel, but throughout the process, Regardt and Marili remained unaware that they were taking their place among a small and very exclusive club of natural trendsetters: those who believe the notion that the tactile aspects of our living space may deserve as much, if not more, considered attention as the visual.
Via House and Leisure