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In a certain block of flats in the upper areas of Barcelona, San Gervasio district, is a 150 sqm home designed by ESPACIO EN BLANCO. Though uninhabited for some time, the doors were opened to the project manager and the interiors surrendered to his wits to become what it has become today. It has style, design and a lot of white in its appearance. Where all this started? Well, everything was started from scratch with an aim of creating a comfortable floor which one can enjoy everyday. During the renovation, only the wooden window were preserved while the rest was remade from the materials that were available. It also has a study space which is ample to let your thoughts run wild between the partitions. The end result is something eclectic but truly daring. The owners have managed to mix and match the interior aspects of their personality. They wanted to have a lot of white and that was definitely a wish granted. Another key aspect of the home is the presence of a very large kitchen which is a tribute to the owners profession as both of them are engaged in the restoration.
An empty house with a thorough transformation, this is the end result of a housing design with practical solutions and pieces that embrace different styles. The project manager for this house, Barbara Aurell, left it all to the color white. This was a perfect plan for the 150 square meter home. Aurell is the person responsible for this lighthearted project. He has had a long professional experience which has given him the chance to create uniquely defined spaces which suit the people that live in them. Always ahead when it comes to latest trends, Aurell also leads the Movement in White which is a lab full of trends and ideas with samples of painting, sculpture, photography and literature in order to converge the experience of designers and artists in the current scene.
This all white home is definitely evidence of the great work that is being done by the great designers and artists full of ideas. The project all in white presented some unique ideas and challenges which were overcame when the needs of the clients were met. Definitely, a kitchen that is all in white will always look brighter and bigger with enough room for everyone. The home is a place to check out with comfortable interiors and a fantastic white look. The home has a cool design with lots of space and a clever layout.