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This beautiful home by RSA, offers a welcoming outdoor environment. The facade is inviting with beauteous shrubbery accented with palettes of white stone and gravel. The backyard inground swimming pool is a refreshing and great entertainment hub for relaxation and recreation, while the screened in veranda provides a comfortable outdoor-indoor seating and dining area. It’s an impressive private oasis and the interior is just as exquisite.
White walls and neutral tones enhance the interior’s architectural design creating a magnificent appeal. The neutral shades are comfortable, versatile, and classic. They produce a modest yet stylish vibe that is simultaneously welcoming and energizing.
The broad and imposing archway is a portal to a modernistic and sophisticated dining area designed around soft hues with dramatic overtones. The floor length pleated drapes are intensive, yet subtle, countered by a dark wooden floor and softened by a plush white accent rug. The lighting is delicate, the space is cozy, distinguished, and unassuming.
High ceilings, natural light, and understated furnishings give the living room area a modernistic and subtle appeal. A traditionally styled accent chair complemented by a neutral accent rug, curtain-less windows, and elaborate chandelier, are the ne plus ultra of chic and simplistic design. Sophistication and comfort are easily interwoven to create an engaging setting.
Since time immemorial there has always been a fascination with staircases and it’s not only because of their function. Throughout the world, there are a variety of styles of stairways constructed from every type of material from outlandish to basic. The stairway in this home does not disappoint. The design is straightforward and works well with the overall theme of the interior décor. The semi-cathedral ceiling is distinctive and highlighted by a complementary suspended lamp to complete the look. In order to expand the overall appeal of the interior scheme, the kitchen area is decked out in a light-colored theme in neutral shades. Traditional and Euro style cabinets work splendidly with contemporary fixtures and stainless steel appliances. It’s a lovely visual instilled with hints of natural lighting and bold dark hardwood flooring. The concept flows effortlessly with the open plan layout and the home’s overall architectural design.
A neutral scheme fills the bathroom space with soft beige tiles accented by dark wood bathroom cabinets. The colorless tone instills quietness and calm emanating tranquility and composure much like a soothing spa. Large mirrors and glossy chrome fixtures illumines the area and expands the space creating a luxurious appeal.
Viewing the décor of this cosmopolitan styled home, it’s easy to see why neutrals are the chameleons of color that take on a life of their own. The ambiance is fluid and modest and offers everything required to make a home exceptionally beautiful.