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There is no easier shade to work with than blue, regardless of the depth of the color. Blue can be warm or cold depending on the intensity of the shade. In this apartment, blue has been used as a main theme and it works. The bold color of blue for interiors is very trendy at the moment. In fact, blue is a great Feng Shui color as well. Whether it is soft blue or serene blue-green, it can work in just about any room of a home. The color depicts calm and peace, along with a general sense of relaxation and well-being.
In this residence by archi-3, blue has been quietly sneaked into the décor. For example, the wall in the sitting area is a rich cobalt-steel grey blue. It not only looks elegant, though the furnishings are more laid-back, it modernizes the entire area. As far as interior design goes, nothing beats blue walls and wooden floors. Especially this herringbone designed wooden floor, which has an unfinished look minus any shine, and it’s fantastic!
To balance the rest of the room, two 50s style accent chairs are beautifully placed near a sky blue bicycle with brown leather seat and handlebars. Notice how the chairs and the bicycle are trimmed in a dark brownish hue, attractively complementing the floor, wall color, and textures. The rich navy blue hued trunk is a perfect match and bounces wonderfully off of the other blue shades in the room.
Another color that gives this abode a special panache is white, and how it is displayed and arranged within the study room area. For example, the study or office room is not complete without books, and this room certainly has its share. Yet, the book shelves in stark white with white and cream colored vases on top, are an artistic expression of pure aesthetics at its best. The various shapes and sizes of the vases contribute to the overall look extremely well. It’s a dynamic effect and works perfectly with the floor and other furnishings, especially the white chairs with toothpick designed legs. The shabby-chic doorways are purposely vitiated to give a worn appearance. It’s a rugged look, but refined.
The complementary white theme is carried into the kitchen. The space is expanded due to the high-gloss white floor. The kitchen backsplash is made of high-gloss tiles with additional white accents throughout. The 60s style fridge and TV along with the high-back black leather chair are a fantastic aspect of the room, and really pulls the whole look together. It’s subtle but stimulating.
Without missing a beat, the bathroom transitions to a black theme, with the lavatory room taking on deep pewter grey walls and the shabby-chic theme. It works wondrously! It’s a fantastic home that blends difficult hues to perfection. Pewter greys, cobalt blue with steel grey undertones, black, and white, are what primarily make up this stunning décor. It’s an impressive work of art, to say the least.