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Contemporay concrete house on island of Crete, Greece with stunning sea views by 3SK. This is a magnificent house. A contemporary structure built with solid concrete slabs, massive glass panes and some polished wooden panels that give it an awesome appearance. This majestic building, of Greek origin, is designed to give you amazing views of the sea. Whether you are sitting down inside the living area, or relaxing on the easy chairs in the patio, or you are upstairs in the bedrooms, you can easily catch a glimpse of aquatic splendor.
As you stand in this space between the two huge concrete sections of this unique house, you can have an open view of the sea. You will have a refreshing and invigorating dose of fresh sea breeze as you move towards the swimming pool. If you walk bare foot, you will also experience the coolness of the concrete floor. This wide space is also a nice place to hold an exciting seaside cocktail party in the evening.
Take a look at the exceptional contemporary living area. It has very large clear glass walls – designed to give you a clear view of the sea. There are two classic white concrete-framed comfy chairs and a wooden centerpiece. The centerpiece is designed like a rectangular concrete slab to fit the overall design theme of this house. Two pendant lights, made of concrete, hang above the living area to provide illumination when the sun goes down. Behind the living area, you can see a dining area with 10 high-backed chairs and a long wooden dining table. Next to the dining area, there’s a bar designed with floor to ceiling wooden panels – ideal for wine tasting.
This is another living area with an expansive view of the sea – the kind you get when you are on the space deck of a cruise ship. It has three pendant lights and a large dining table similar to the one in the main living area. This space will easily accommodate an overflow of guests during a party.
Now it’s your turn to share your feelings about this unique contemporary concrete building on the banks of the sea. Would you like to live in this house? What else do you think can be added or removed from the design to make it more beautiful? Please share your thoughts in your comments. Thanks.