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Sometimes having a large area to work with can be perplexing. How do you create a focus in such a large space? In many instances, it takes unconventional ideas to pull it off. Take this home for instance. The focal point in the living area is the dramatic wall. It’s obvious but not overpowering, perhaps it’s due to the natural artwork. It looks like a forest swapped in browns, black, and muted beige, wrapped around distorted branches and tree trunks. It’s an interesting piece of artwork, and the first object you notice upon entering the room. In fact, this room “is the home” and all other corresponding rooms are only there to complement this space.
The deep-tan hued leather sofa beautifully balances the wall behind it. Grey is used as a neutral highlight as in the accent rug and brick wall section. Clear-cut and unpretentious, the glass paned room divider, light parquet floor, and 60s style relaxing chair with hassock are merged together to fill a large space, making it comfortable and serene.
The area is shared with a dining space and kitchen. The kitchen area is stunning with a glossy floor and Euro-style cabinetry. High spider-legged stools with wooden seats carries the theme of the space into another dimension. It’s futuristic, but compact and practical. Installed against a dark hued background, the kitchen appliances and the rest of the kitchen décor make a bold statement, yet everything is purposely understated, and classic in style and taste.
Actually, dark colors deliver the most drama. Regardless of the space used, when it comes to dark walls whether paint is used, wallpaper, wood paneling, or a unique texture, dark walls are a trend today in most modern homes.
Continuing the paradigmatic setting of quiet chic, the dining table is surrounded with pastel and grey colored chairs. What gives this scene the “wow” factor is the texture and silhouette of the chairs. The fabric and design is wonderfully complementary to the total ambiance of the room.
The large window has a picturesque view, letting in natural light that illuminates the home in a quiet manner. It keeps the setting modest, yet intriguing.
The bedroom area flows with the décor with subtle hues of grey and white, while adding hints of dark shades as in the black duvet. It all works together to bring about an impressive look that’s captivating and alluring.
Pavel Alekseev used multiple hues of distinctive character creating a beautiful environment that can easily accommodate a variety of lifestyles. It’s easy, it’s light, it’s lovely, it’s what life is about: simplicity and beauty.