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The home is built around an open plan that emulates the classy latter-day studio apartments. The similarity, however, ends there because its living room is elegant and has tasty decor. A whole section features wooden planks constructed nicely to host an elaborate entertainment segment complete with an inbuilt digital TV and all the necessary accessories.
The greyish L-shaped sofa, the classy glass coffee table and the rich floor rug which is under normal circumstances would have been adequate, are further supplemented by a broad and detailed shelving. This shelve exhibits an accent element that is common in the house. This magnifies its wooden artwork that resembles a keenly-done origami that holds, even more, elements of decor. These elements of decor only highlight how esteemed this design gravitates around grandeur.
And, it is easy to see why this spacious Moscovite apartment affords this much opulence. For starters, it covers an area of 250 square meters. In addition, its location affords it a panoramic view of the Russian capital. The beautifully deceptive flowing space that enjoins the living room, kitchen area and dining room is just that since you can easily isolate each room using cleverly placed wooden partitions.
The accent element common in the living room and other common areas is also evident in the bedrooms. In all the apartment has a master unit with elegantly appointed baths, three children’s bedrooms with a shared bath, again, with very elegant fixtures.
While it looks a little futuristic from a cursory glance, this apartment has everything a comfortable dream abode should have.