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Despite the fact that this house has its contemporary touch, it still offers a refreshing look, without completely neglecting the beautiful elements of the past. For example, the arches, woodwork, walls of brick, and history pieces are all combined to create a unique combination of both old and new.
The interior design of this house by Marta Castellano, definitely has its strength and potential. It’s also the main objective of the interior designer of the Marta Castilian-Mas. That is, to blend the old architectures in Barcelona with newer designs.
This Barcelona-inspired house is perfect for those who enjoy a simple design, but with a relaxing ambiance. Where its distinctive characteristic would be the fact that it’s decorated in an industrial, rustic way. There are original features, such as the wood beams, and old furniture, the beautiful wooden door, and the large green plant located in the living room– it’s a room that definitely encourages relaxation. Also, the light contrasts that were added in gray and black have definitely worked well with the overall design of the place. It also has large windows with a terrace gallery, and the brick is the main attraction of this house, as it enhances its character. To emphasize the effects even more, the ground lighting was made so that it would highlight the texture of the wall.
As for the dining room, the table was definitely one-of-a-kind, as it was made of reclaimed wood planks, adding a nice touch to its contemporary design. Behind the table was an old fireplace that gives the room the warmth it needs during winter months, but it also adds to the uniqueness of the large open space where the dining room, living room, and kitchen are located.
Though, the main attraction of this house would be the table of cedar logs, that gives the impression of how it’s like to live in the past.
Indeed, the most fanciful Barcelona- inspired house plans are usually heavy on ornaments, that were carefully designed in order to ensure that it would go with the other details of the home, such as the floors, windows, doors, curtains, and ceilings. Although this home has diverse influences, it was made with a purpose of being as simple as possible and encourage nostalgia to those who are going to live in this place.
It’s a mix of refreshing and comfortable rooms perfect for all ages, especially to those who appreciate history and has a strong personality.
Photography: Carlos Muntadas