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With a distinctive appearance, angled ceiling and walls, and wide paneled beige-ish white wooden floor, this gorgeous room is the epitome of modernization teamed with space and a feeling of “Feng Shui” esthetics. Recessed lighting tempers the ambiance of this room giving it a feeling of warmth with few furnishings. The style is reminiscent of the 1960s where minimal furniture, straight lines, and functional pieces were the trend.
This primarily white room comes to life with eclectic tones incorporating grey and black accented walls. Nature isn’t far away with honey-brown wood support beams, wood molding atop the front wall, with a lower back-wall surfaced with brick intonations. Walking into this living room is like walking into a handsomely furnished pavilion, a securely cushy area resting on the movement of space, freshness, and open views of the surrounding area.
This room accentuates horizontal lines, making it seem larger and more effervescent. The extended sofa is a perfect match for the straightforward design of the overall space. The elegant enhancements are easily achieved by varying textures of materials. Cool leather, warm fabrics, and animal prints, easily blend with artistic leanings: a piano strategically placed in the corner, magazine holders designed from wire-mesh, and step-like panels affixed meticulously on a grey softly textured wall. The result is a perfect setting for entertaining and a busy life.
The new modern room is uncluttered with an open-floor plan where space is the priority and furnishings are designed around the space not vice-versa. This living room is the epitome of modern elegance that radiates the type of beauty that minimal décor can achieve without seeming too sparse.
The key to achieving the modern-chic feel in the photo above is to combine simplicity with interesting accents. Throw pillows, avant-garde wall art, curtain-free windows, serene colors like the violaceous hued balcony table and chairs, and gentle lighting, creates the ideal setting of minimalist splendor. The goal is to create an “uncluttered” environment that appears comfortable and fascinating
Images: Per Jansson