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It is true that in order to best appreciate nature’s beauty, we must try to blend ourselves into it. This is precisely what this house attempts to do, using the sky, ocean, wood and stone as sources of inspiration.
The beautiful terrace is indeed striking, with its low white walls that allow the grand blue sky to outshine everything else. Here, mattresses and cushions are strewn about, along with very low tables that allow for perfect relaxation. A brilliant touch is that these couches have wheels, which allows for rearrangement and storing away when it rains. If one prefers for a ground-level comfort, there’s tons of that as well. Around the house, the pebbled garden is decorated with chairs and cushions. Pots of plants offer a contrast against the bare white walls of the house, and the color of these objects compliment the rich turquoise door and window panels.
The inside of the house is kept as simple yet decorated as possible. The walls are of a neutral, grey color while furniture are low-leveled (generally below the hip). Decorations are elegant (such as the chandelier), which makes for an eccentric touch that only seem to compliment the bright sunlight that enters the living room through the numerous windows. Notice how each piece of furniture is simplistic in one sense, yet enriching in another—the dining chairs for example, have thin frames and legs, while they are of strong colors. The kitchen is mostly of a grey, silver or white tone, while small orange accents such as a towel or wall hanging add vibrancy.
In fact, this use of orange extends into the bedroom area, where the chain curtain that serves as a separating apparatus is of a gold-orange. Here too, the walls are grey with touches of white, allowing for the blue tones of the pillows and bedcovers to effectively play their part. Simplicity is nestled amongst the use of color—a simple, low stool here, and a white wardrobe there.
This home is indeed a summer house, yet it is peculiar in that it doesn’t try to be one. It simply works with the blue skies and hot sun of the summer to produce lazy, quiet days of peace and comfort. It appreciates the outdoors, and its beauty is rooted in the fact that it works around the beautiful scenery, rather than trying to compete against it. By minimizing the style and design of the inside of the house, this home accentuates the simplistic allure of the sea, the sky and sun by humbling itself to them.
Via +fotogenica