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Looking at the pictures of the Parisian apartment designed by Art Buro is a captivating experience. What makes this particular style of interior design so interesting is its ability to reinvent itself without throwing away its identity. It is true, modern Parisian design is a lot different than it once was yet this keen attention to detail that is so typical to the French, still shines through. Certain elements – and that is true to this particular space as well – come together in a unique way without actually matching each other. That is the main trick, putting a puzzle together using differing pieces.
The packing box design in the kitchen would be exquisite on its own, but it is the presence of the black painted oak kitchen furniture that really showcases that space. The elements work perfectly well together, enhancing the two different design’s aesthetic qualities while not taking away anything from the other one’s strengths. Similarly to the shapes, the colors work in unison, providing a perfect blend of elegance and modernism. Almost any age group could feel right at home home in this apartment.
The furniture in the bedroom is dark brown – oak, of course – and the turquoise gives the whole space a quite warm and inviting presence. There are in-built lights as well, which once again remind us that this is not a charade but rather something that is as functional, as it is beautiful. The last and quite possibly best feature we have to talk about is the grey panneau. The grey color is very significant here. Yes, it is elegant on its own and goes quite well with both brown and black colors (not to mention the turquoise) but the designers here had something else in mind as well, contrast.
The most important element of this design is the contrast it provides. The modern furniture here would work quite well with a number of colors, but the grey background highlights every single one of its remarkable traits – be that shape, color or function. Art Buro used some of the top brands for this visual exercise, including but not limited to: WRKBNCH, K*BOX, Caassina, Minotti or Vitra. These phenomenal stylistic elements (combined with the patterned wool designs), the comfortable bed and the whole ornamented interior gives this apartment a distinctive visual tone where everything is in unison, even the furniture pieces with very different visual characteristics.